235 Bus Timings from Shastri Nagar towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: Shastri Nagar
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:32 AM
- 8:27 AM
- 9:42 AM
- 11:07 AM
- 12:57 PM
- 1:47 PM
- 3:37 PM
- 5:22 PM
- 6:27 PM
- 7:37 PM
- 9:02 PM
- 10:42 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Wadia Bungalow, contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
235 Bus Timings from Wadia Bungalow towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: Wadia Bungalow
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:34 AM
- 8:29 AM
- 9:44 AM
- 11:09 AM
- 12:59 PM
- 1:49 PM
- 3:39 PM
- 5:24 PM
- 6:29 PM
- 7:39 PM
- 9:04 PM
- 10:44 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Gunjan Corner, contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
235 Bus Timings from Gunjan Corner towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: Gunjan Corner
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:36 AM
- 8:31 AM
- 9:46 AM
- 11:11 AM
- 1:01 PM
- 1:51 PM
- 3:41 PM
- 5:26 PM
- 6:31 PM
- 7:41 PM
- 9:06 PM
- 10:46 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Yerwada, contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
235 Bus Timings from Yerwada towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: Yerwada
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:37 AM
- 8:32 AM
- 9:47 AM
- 11:12 AM
- 1:02 PM
- 1:52 PM
- 3:42 PM
- 5:27 PM
- 6:32 PM
- 7:42 PM
- 9:07 PM
- 10:47 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Bund Garden Central Mall, contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
235 Bus Timings from Bund Garden Central Mall towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: Bund Garden Central Mall
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:39 AM
- 8:34 AM
- 9:49 AM
- 11:14 AM
- 1:04 PM
- 1:54 PM
- 3:44 PM
- 5:29 PM
- 6:34 PM
- 7:44 PM
- 9:09 PM
- 10:49 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Connaught Place (Bund Garden Road), contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
235 Bus Timings from Connaught Place (Bund Garden Road) towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: Connaught Place (Bund Garden Road)
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:41 AM
- 8:36 AM
- 9:51 AM
- 11:16 AM
- 1:06 PM
- 1:56 PM
- 3:46 PM
- 5:31 PM
- 6:36 PM
- 7:46 PM
- 9:11 PM
- 10:51 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Jahangir Hospital, contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
235 Bus Timings from Jahangir Hospital towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: Jahangir Hospital
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:43 AM
- 8:38 AM
- 9:53 AM
- 11:18 AM
- 1:08 PM
- 1:58 PM
- 3:48 PM
- 5:33 PM
- 6:38 PM
- 7:48 PM
- 9:13 PM
- 10:53 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Alankar Talkies, contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
235 Bus Timings from Alankar Talkies towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: Alankar Talkies
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:44 AM
- 8:39 AM
- 9:54 AM
- 11:19 AM
- 1:09 PM
- 1:59 PM
- 3:49 PM
- 5:34 PM
- 6:39 PM
- 7:49 PM
- 9:14 PM
- 10:54 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Income Tax Office, contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
235 Bus Timings from Income Tax Office towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: Income Tax Office
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:46 AM
- 8:41 AM
- 9:56 AM
- 11:21 AM
- 1:11 PM
- 2:01 PM
- 3:51 PM
- 5:36 PM
- 6:41 PM
- 7:51 PM
- 9:16 PM
- 10:56 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is G.P.O., contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
235 Bus Timings from G.P.O. towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: G.P.O.
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:47 AM
- 8:42 AM
- 9:57 AM
- 11:22 AM
- 1:12 PM
- 2:02 PM
- 3:52 PM
- 5:37 PM
- 6:42 PM
- 7:52 PM
- 9:17 PM
- 10:57 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Collector Office, contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
235 Bus Timings from Collector Office towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: Collector Office
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:48 AM
- 8:43 AM
- 9:58 AM
- 11:23 AM
- 1:13 PM
- 2:03 PM
- 3:53 PM
- 5:38 PM
- 6:43 PM
- 7:53 PM
- 9:18 PM
- 10:58 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Zila Parishad, contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
235 Bus Timings from Zila Parishad towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: Zila Parishad
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:49 AM
- 8:44 AM
- 9:59 AM
- 11:24 AM
- 1:14 PM
- 2:04 PM
- 3:54 PM
- 5:39 PM
- 6:44 PM
- 7:54 PM
- 9:19 PM
- 10:59 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is KEM Hospital, contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
235 Bus Timings from KEM Hospital towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: KEM Hospital
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:50 AM
- 8:45 AM
- 10:00 AM
- 11:25 AM
- 1:15 PM
- 2:05 PM
- 3:55 PM
- 5:40 PM
- 6:45 PM
- 7:55 PM
- 9:20 PM
- 11:00 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Power House Rastapeth, contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
235 Bus Timings from Power House Rastapeth towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: Power House Rastapeth
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:51 AM
- 8:46 AM
- 10:01 AM
- 11:26 AM
- 1:16 PM
- 2:06 PM
- 3:56 PM
- 5:41 PM
- 6:46 PM
- 7:56 PM
- 9:21 PM
- 11:01 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is Nana Path / Modern Bakery, contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.
235 Bus Timings from Nana Path / Modern Bakery towards (→) Katraj
- Route No: 235
- Bus going towards: Katraj
- Bus Timings from: Nana Path / Modern Bakery
- Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
- First Bus
- 7:52 AM
- 8:47 AM
- 10:02 AM
- 11:27 AM
- 1:17 PM
- 2:07 PM
- 3:57 PM
- 5:42 PM
- 6:47 PM
- 7:57 PM
- 9:22 PM
- 11:02 PM
- Last Bus
Next station is AD Camp Chowk, contact PMPML Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.